Free Forever Apps

We've partnered with companies that provide the best cloud software apps in the world with a free forever option. These are not free trials - they are free to use for as long as you need. Some of these apps can be upgraded to paid versions with additional features, but you may find you’ll get all the features you need in the free forever version. Try them out and see for yourself. What have you got to lose?

Why Free Forever?

In our own search for applications to run our business, we assembled a collection of software applications that will help any small business or nonprofit. The applications are available on all of our plans and you can add or remove them at any time. 

We charge a one-time sign up fee for initial provisioning and training on the FFP. This gives you access to our customer portal where you can submit tickets for moves/adds/changes, opt for additional features such as live support, or upgrade to a different plan.

If you are the do-it-yourself type, we've provided a resource page to help you get started without paying a sign up fee. If you go this route, we do not cover move/adds/changes to your applications under any circumstances. 

We want you to succeed and we want to help you do IT at minimal cost. If you would like assistance in setting up your free accounts, and help accelerate your learning curve, we are ready to help. Our consultants will review each application with you and help you understand how they can benefit your business.

If you are ready to get going right away, just sign up here!

Inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit.

Have you ever thought...

I can’t do it because I don’t have enough (money, expertise, creativity, help, discipline, tools, etc…)

Most would agree that starting a business today takes drive, passion, imagination, and some expertise. But having a little help and encouragement at the right time can give you the impetus to succeed.   


That's where we come in.

If you’ve already started a business and are bogged down by the sheer effort, time, and expense of getting a good system going, we totally understand you! With the Free Forever applications we've teamed up with, you now have a path laid out for you to grow and never outgrow.

Start with your own domain

If you wish to register a new domain and have us administer the DNS, please make sure you verify and register your domain name. This will allow us to setup services such as Google Workspace, mail security, spam protection, website and forwarding rules.

Even if you choose not to register a domain, you can still use our Free Forever apps.